For Aleksandar!
Payment to RSD bank account:
By scanning the NBS IPS QR code on your mBanking application: NBS IPS QR kod
*Open your mBanking app and the scan QR code on the page. The amount is initially set to 1000 RSD, but it can be changed in your e/banking application.
Payment to foreign account:
Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić
raises funds for Aleksandar Džavrić (2014)
Aleksandar was born in the 27th week of gestation after a high-risk pregnancy because the mother spent the entire pregnancy on dialysis due to the failure of both kidneys.
During pregnancy, he was diagnosed with slowed fetal growth and malnutrition.
In the first six months, he made good progress, but after that, a delay in development was noticed.
In the early years, he pronounced syllables, but since the disease is progressive, Aleksandar can't even do that now, although he understands what is said to him and follows the conversation if he is being talked about. He has a problem with swallowing, often cries but there are moments when he is happy and smiling.
The treatment in Serbia did not give results, so his condition is getting worse. He no longer even participates in non-verbal communication.
At the age of three, it was determined that he had initial cerebral atrophy, muscle hypertonia, problems with metabolism, followed by poor general health, allergies, and bilateral congenital corneal atrophy.
According to the findings of the special hospital for cerebral palsy and developmental neurology, Aleksandar has disharmonious development (F83 - Desordines evolutionis specific mixti) as well as cerebral palsy.
Aleksandar's progress could be helped by stem cell treatment, which would have to be done by the end of September 2022 due to his health condition.
Until now, his parents have financed the treatment and exhausted their funds, so they are asking all generous people to help them with their donations, because the father is the only one who had a job, but due to the illness of Aleksandar and his mother, he had to quit it.
Aleksandr's family is one of the few who have remained living in Metohija in their native Peć, and the disease makes life even more difficult for them.
He needs funds for speech therapy and defectology treatments, physical and hydrotherapy, sensory stimulation, hyperbaric chamber, laboratory analyses, genetic testing, ophthalmological examinations, as well as for travelling and accommodation costs.
For Aleksandar's progress! Let's be humane!
Let's help Aleksandar!
Latest payments
SMS YETTEL 02/2025 27.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 1286 | 3.000,00 RSD |
DRAGAN JOVANOVIĆ 22.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 1286 | 150,00 RSD |
1/ALEKSANDAR MARKOVIC 21.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 1286 | 16,50 EUR |
VANJA IVANCEVIC 19.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 1286 | 70.500,00 RSD |
SMS A1 02/2025 13.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 1286 | 3.600,00 RSD |
SANJA OGNJANOVIĆ 12.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 1286 | 300,00 RSD |
MARKO CVIJANOVIĆ 10.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 1286 | 1.000,00 RSD |
ANON. 04.03.2025 Internet paymentFor Beneficiary: 1286 | 194,80 RSD |
DRAGAN DJORDJEVIC 04.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 1286 | 500,00 RSD |
Scekic Ivan 03.03.2025 Internet paymentFor Beneficiary: 1286 | 243,50 RSD |