Erik Kolompar
Erik Kolompar

For Erik!


Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić

raises funds for Erik Kolompar (1996).

Erik suffers from severe disease - progressive muscle atrophy.

Many years ago, when he finished primary school, his friends helped him walk at the celebration party. At the excursion, they were carrying him up the stairs . Because of the disease Erik got into a wheelchair eventually. He was sad because he could not continue his secondary education with his friends. He was even sadder when he realized that his younger brother Danijel suffered from the same disease, because he knew what he would go through ...

This wicked disease, from which also Erik's younger brother Danjiel suffers from, is progressing daily and rapidly. Erik can not stand, walk, he is in a wheelchair and depends on the help of a father who had a heart attack. In spite of everything, this young man’s smile stays on. He gives strength to his younger brother and family, he keeps saying that everything will be fine ...

Kolompar family asks all  the good-willed people to help with required implantation of stem cells at the EmCell Clinic in Kiev, permanent therapies and rehabilitation.

Let's help Erik!

Your little help means better future for Erik! Let's be humane!

Latest payments

SMS YETTEL 05/2024
For Beneficiary136
400,00 RSD
SMS MTS 04/2024
For Beneficiary136
1.000,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 04/2024
For Beneficiary136
600,00 RSD
SMS MTS 03/2024
For Beneficiary136
2.000,00 RSD
SMS A1 04/2024
For Beneficiary136
200,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 03/2024
For Beneficiary136
1.200,00 RSD
SMS MTS 02/2024
For Beneficiary136
2.000,00 RSD
SMS A1 03/2024
For Beneficiary136
1.000,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 02/2024
For Beneficiary136
1.400,00 RSD
SMS MTS 01/2024
For Beneficiary136
2.000,00 RSD


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