Arsen Popović
Arsen Popović

For Arsen!


Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić

raises funds for Arsen Popović (2014)

Arsen was born after the second, properly maintained and controlled pregnancy.

His health problems began when he was three and a half months old he experienced four afebrile generalized convulsive seizures and episodes of severe hypotonia. Despite extensive analysis during the one-month hospitalization, the cause of the convulsions was not determined, and he was discharged without a diagnosis, only with a description of the symptoms.

In the first year, deviations in Arsen's development appeared - he became extremely hyperactive, had poor attention span, was occasionally irritable, and his speech did not develop.

At the age of one and a half, he was prescribed intensive speech therapy and defectology treatments, but they did not give satisfactory results. At the age of five, he was diagnosed with the spectrum of autism F.84 (Disordines evolutionis pervasivi). Since then, there have been several attempts to improve Arsen's condition, apart from rehabilitation treatments, by introducing various medicines and supplements. Arsen showed unusual, mostly paradoxical reactions to all of them, some of which were very severe, accompanied by sudden insomnia, agitation and aggression.

However, with the great support and love of his family and close friends, Arsen achieved significant progress. Nowadays he is a cheerful and witty boy, with preserved intelligence, with an emphasized need for social contact and learning. Although he is still non-verbal, he fully understands speech.

Recently, due to dental intervention, he was indicated to be put under general anesthesia. Because of previously manifested unusual reactions to all medicines and supplements that affect the CNS, there is an objective and great danger of the consequences of general anesthesia for his health and further development. During the preparation for this procedure, it was determined that Arsen's problem was most likely genetic origin. This problem is solvable, and apart from the safe induction of general anesthesia, its precise detection could also improve Arsen's health condition. Therefore, it is necessary to perform targeted genetic and pharmacogenetic tests.

Until now, his parents have covered the costs of Arsen's treatment  and exhausted all their resources, so they are asking  all humane people to help them so that Arsen can continue his treatment as soon as possible.

He needs funds for genetic and pharmacogenetic tests, specialist examinations, defectological and speech therapy treatments, rehabilitation and medicines.

Give Arsen a chance! Let's be humane!

Let's help Arsen!

Latest payments

SMS YETTEL 05/2024
For Beneficiary1440
200,00 RSD
SMS MTS 04/2024
For Beneficiary1440
600,00 RSD
Internet payment
For Beneficiary1440
12.701,00 RSD
SMS A1 05/2024
For Beneficiary1440
400,00 RSD
For Beneficiary1440
4.200,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 04/2024
For Beneficiary1440
400,00 RSD
SMS MTS 03/2024
For Beneficiary1440
1.200,00 RSD
SMS A1 04/2024
For Beneficiary1440
400,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 03/2024
For Beneficiary1440
2.200,00 RSD
SMS MTS 02/2024
For Beneficiary1440
200,00 RSD


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