For Miša!
Payment to RSD bank account:
By scanning the NBS IPS QR code on your mBanking application: NBS IPS QR kod
*Open your mBanking app and the scan QR code on the page. The amount is initially set to 1000 RSD, but it can be changed in your e/banking application.
Payment to foreign account:
Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić
raises funds for Miša Stojanović (2014)
Miša was born after the first, well maintained pregnancy, in term, by cesarean section.
His early psychomotor development was normal, and around the age of two, his parents noticed a delay in speech and language development, which is why they took him to speech therapy, defectology and psychological treatments, and psychomotor reeducation treatments. After specialist examinations and observations, it was determined that Miša has disorders from the autistic spectrum (Dg: F 84.0) with special difficulties in the speech and language sphere, knowledge, cognitive and disorders in the field of development of social interests.
After examinations in a clinic abroad, which Miša's parents independently financed, they were told that stem cell therapy for Miša would give results to improve his health, which his parents are no longer able to independently finance.
Funds are needed for stem cell therapies, travelling and accommodation costs during the treatment abroad.
Let Miša speak! Let's be humane!
Let's help Miša!
Latest payments
SMS A1 10/2024 18.11.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 4.600,00 RSD |
PRODAJA SLIKA 05.11.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 21.000,00 RSD |
SANDRA KAPLAREVIĆ 29.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 2.500,00 RSD |
SMS YETTEL 09/2024 25.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 2.000,00 RSD |
SMS A1 09/2024 17.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 1.000,00 RSD |
SMS MTS 08/2024 17.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 1.200,00 RSD |
MIRJANA DEJANOVICSTOSOVIC 12.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 1.000,00 RSD |
SMS MTS 07/2024 08.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 1.800,00 RSD |
SMS YETTEL 08/2024 26.09.2024 For Beneficiary: 1456 | 2.600,00 RSD |
ANON. 23.09.2024 Internet paymentFor Beneficiary: 1456 | 293,10 RSD |