For Janja and Jakov!
Payment to RSD bank account:
By scanning the NBS IPS QR code on your mBanking application: NBS IPS QR kod
*Open your mBanking app and the scan QR code on the page. The amount is initially set to 1000 RSD, but it can be changed in your e/banking application.
Payment to foreign account:
Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić
raises funds for Janja Stankić (2015) i Jakov Stankić (2018).
Janja is the third child born in term. She started walking independently at nine months, and spoke her first words in the first year. After two and a half years, there was stagnation in the development of speech. Janja was diagnosed with autism and intellectual disorder - Pervasive developmental disorders (F84.- Disordines evolutionis pervasive) and mental retardation, unspecified (F79.- Retardatio mentalis, non specificata). Janja's communication is more non-verbal, with gestures, she does not control her sphincters, she wears diapers. She has been attending kindergarten since the age of four, where she has a personal assistant, and the start of school has been delayed. She is not involved in group activities. Since 2019, she has been going to check-ups with a child psychiatrist. Cognitive development, speech-language development, emotional and social development are below expectations typical for her age. She needs other people's help and care 24 hours a day for daily life activities.
Jakov is the fourth child, born in term. At six months he was able to sit on his own, at one year he was walking on his own. He didn't say meaningful words, but he knew how to call his parents, he was obedient and cooperative. Jakov was also diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorders (F84.- Disordines evolutionis pervasive) and mental retardation, unspecified (F79.- Retardatio mentalis, non specificata). Jakov still doesn't speak, he expresses his needs with a gesture, he simply understands, he doesn't always do what he is told, he shows when he wants something. He attends kindergarten and is interested in other activities. It is necessary to continue working with a speech therapist/defectologist and to attend kindergarten regularly.
They need funds for treatment abroad, speech therapy and defectology treatments, as well as for travel expenses.
For Janja and Jakov's first words! Let's be humane!
Let's help Janja and Jakov!
Latest payments
SMS A1 10/2024 18.11.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 7.200,00 RSD |
SVETLANA VESKOVIĆ 08.11.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 1.000,00 RSD |
ANON. 08.11.2024 PayPal paymentFor Beneficiary: 1544 | 1.584,00 RSD |
VIDAN DJUROVIC 26.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 500,00 RSD |
SMS YETTEL 09/2024 25.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 119.600,00 RSD |
DRAGANA JOVANOVIC 22.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 500,00 RSD |
JOVAN ZOLOTIĆ 19.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 3.000,00 RSD |
SMS GLOBALTEL 09/2024 18.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 800,00 RSD |
MONA KOZNA 18.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 15.500,00 RSD |
SMS MTS 08/2024 17.10.2024 For Beneficiary: 1544 | 116.400,00 RSD |