For Tadija!
Payment to RSD bank account:
By scanning the NBS IPS QR code on your mBanking application: NBS IPS QR kod
*Open your mBanking app and the scan QR code on the page. The amount is initially set to 1000 RSD, but it can be changed in your e/banking application.
Payment to foreign account:
Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić
raises funds for Tadija Milić (2018).
Tadija was born in term, soon after birth were discovered swelling on the head and congenital malformations of the right lower leg and foot.
On the first day after birth, due to the deformity of the right lower leg and right foot, an orthopedist and a plastic surgeon were consulted, after which Tadija was referred to UC Clinic Tiršova for further diagnosis and treatment due to the possibility of associated anomalies.
It was discovered absence of toe formation with presence of angulation of the tibia (Q688 Deformationes systematis musculosceletalis aliae, specificatae), and the final diagnosis was shortening of the length of the tibia (Q 72.5 Reductio longitudinis fibulae congenita).
At the age of 4, he had a surgery due to aplasia of the right fibula with lack of fibular ray of the foot. The plan is to treat leg lengthening operatively, as long as Tadija continues to grow. At this moment, Tadija urgently needs an operation to lengthen the right lower leg with the Ilizar’s apparatus, and all humane people are asked to help with their donations in order to raise funds for the continuation of the treatment as soon as possible.
Funds are needed for operative treatment, specialist examinations and for orthopaedic aids.
For Tadija's steady step! Let's be humane!
Let's help Tadija!
Latest payments
SMS YETTEL 01/2025 27.02.2025 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 1.200,00 RSD |
SMS MTS 12/2024 26.02.2025 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 1.200,00 RSD |
SMS YETTEL 12/2024 28.01.2025 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 600,00 RSD |
SMS MTS 11/2024 27.01.2025 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 3.000,00 RSD |
BILJANA PAVLOVIC 22.01.2025 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 1.000,00 RSD |
SMS A1 12/2024 13.01.2025 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 200,00 RSD |
PETKOVIC ALEKSANDAR 03.01.2025 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 20.000,00 RSD |
SMS YETTEL 11/2024 27.12.2024 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 2.600,00 RSD |
SMS A1 11/2024 23.12.2024 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 2.000,00 RSD |
LJILJANA GALAS 23.12.2024 For Beneficiary: 1629 | 12.700,00 RSD |