Marko Milošev
Marko Milošev

For Marko


Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić

raises funds for Marko Milošev (1996).

Marko was first operated on 24 February 2015. when he was diagnosed with St pos excision melanoma reg cruris sin. A PH finding indicated that it was a malignant disease. He had excision of the nevus, that he had from his birth and began to change color. From the very beginning, the treatment was performed at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. From 2015 to 2019, Marko had ten surgeries and not all were under total anesthesia.

From the beginning, Marko was aware that a great battle with serious illness awaited him. He is  a great fighter and all these years he has been confident that he will be able to defeat the disease, for all that, it is necessary to be mentally prepared and full of positive energy to overcome this vicious disease.

After the first surgery, scans, ultrasound and lab analyses were done and all the findings were good. Throughout the process, the analyzes were good too. But, before the last surgery,  a change in the lymph node in the left groin was observed. On 30 July 2019. FNA of the node in the left inguinum was done and cytology finding indicated secondary melanoma deposition. A V600 mutation of the BRAF gene was detected.

For Marko's disease, the only option was surgery, as it was not strict that more serious measures had to be taken as the disease was detected on time. He had the great support of his family and friends who were constantly with him and gave him the strength to be stronger to win.

After the last surgery, the medical advisory board decided that consideration should be given to initiating preventive adjuvant immuno-oncology therapy, which is very expensive and not on the list of medicines issued at the expense of basic National health Insurance Fund for this indication. It is an OPDIVO medicine that Marko would receive for twelve months, every four weeks. It is the high-end medicine and has great efficacy as it can help him completely neutralize the disease that bothered him for years.

For Marko's life! Let's be humane!

Let's help Marko!


Latest payments

SMS MTS 04/2024
For Beneficiary757
200,00 RSD
SMS A1 05/2024
For Beneficiary757
200,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 04/2024
For Beneficiary757
600,00 RSD
SMS MTS 01/2024
For Beneficiary757
200,00 RSD
SMS MTS 12/2023
For Beneficiary757
200,00 RSD
SMS MTS 11/2023
For Beneficiary757
400,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 12/2023
For Beneficiary757
600,00 RSD
For Beneficiary757
6.000,00 RSD
SMS MTS 10/2023
For Beneficiary757
400,00 RSD
SMS A1 11/2023
For Beneficiary757
400,00 RSD


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