For Oliver!
Payment to RSD bank account:
By scanning the NBS IPS QR code on your mBanking application: NBS IPS QR kod
*Open your mBanking app and the scan QR code on the page. The amount is initially set to 1000 RSD, but it can be changed in your e/banking application.
Payment to foreign account:
Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić
raises funds for Oliver Pal Gajodi (2019).
Oliver was born as a healthy baby. A month later, when he was taken to the first vaccine, the doctor noticed that something was wrong - he did not move his arms or legs. He was sent to the hospital in Novi Sad.
After a month of hospitalization and numerous examinations he was diagnosed with a deadly neuromuscular disease - Spinal muscular atrophy, type 1.
It is a very progressive disease that affects the muscles and basic life functions such as walking, digestion, swallowing and breathing, they are quickly lost.
When he was two and a half months old, Oliver got his first therapy. After that he was very weak and spent more time in the hospital than at home. And now he's in the hospital, on a respirator.
Oliver needs funds for treatment abroad, for genetic therapy, medicines and medical consumables, physical therapy, rehabilitation and also for travelling and accommodation costs.
For Oliver's disease-free life! Let's be humane!
Let's help Oliver!
Latest payments
NICIFOROVIC NATASA 10.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 848 | 800,00 RSD |
BICKEI ANGELA 07.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 848 | 1.200,00 RSD |
ROZALIJA TURKALJ 06.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 848 | 1.000,00 RSD |
REKA IRMENJI 06.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 848 | 700,00 RSD |
KAROLINA VIZIN 05.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 848 | 400,00 RSD |
Inokai Angéla 05.03.2025 Internet paymentFor Beneficiary: 848 | 194,80 RSD |
ZITA VARGA 05.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 848 | 600,00 RSD |
KANJON VERONIKA 04.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 848 | 1.100,00 RSD |
KECKEMETI FARKAS 03.03.2025 For Beneficiary: 848 | 4.000,00 RSD |
Lazar Csilla 28.02.2025 Internet paymentFor Beneficiary: 848 | 292,20 RSD |
Dragana Đorđević 20.10.2020 Unprocessed internet paymentFor Beneficiary: 848 | 1.550,00 RSD |