Milica Rajović
Milica Rajović

For Milica!


Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić


raises funds for Milica Rajović (2011).


Milica was born as a healthy child. The first problems arose around the third month - she reacted poorly to the environment, there was an increased spasm and developmental delay. She started physical therapy, soon after that epileptic seizures began, after which she was at the Institute for Mother and Child in Novi Sad to examine and stop the epileptic seizures. After three months in the hospital, she was diagnosed with epilepsy, pachygyria / polymicrogyria, cerebral palsy, microcephaly and mental retardation.


Milica had intensive exercises with her parents and also with a physiotherapist, until she was six years old. During that period, she could even get to her feet and take a few steps with a support. But that is impossible now, because frequent epileptic seizures have made a set back. Once a week, they go to Szeged, Hungary, for exercises in a children's hospital, but that is not enough because she needs exercises every day to strengthen her legs.


Milica is currently able to crawl and walk in a high-kneeling position, she does not talk and she does not control the sphincter and she is pharmacoresistant and for that reason she is on a special diet - keto diet. But she is a smiling girl full of love and eager for progress.

From professional people, the parents received a recommendation for the medicine Motomed gracile 12, so that Milica could strengthen her legs in order to verticalize. Motomed is very  expensive for her family so they ask generous people to help them raise money. Funds are also needed for tendon surgery, check-ups, orthopedic aids and physical therapy.

For Milica's first step! Let's be humane!


Let's help Milica!


Latest payments

SMS YETTEL 05/2024
For Beneficiary893
600,00 RSD
SMS MTS 04/2024
For Beneficiary893
1.000,00 RSD
SMS A1 05/2024
For Beneficiary893
200,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 04/2024
For Beneficiary893
600,00 RSD
SMS MTS 03/2024
For Beneficiary893
1.400,00 RSD
For Beneficiary893
1.000,00 RSD
For Beneficiary893
5.000,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 03/2024
For Beneficiary893
1.400,00 RSD
SMS MTS 02/2024
For Beneficiary893
1.000,00 RSD
SMS MTS 01/2024
For Beneficiary893
400,00 RSD


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